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Chat gpt에게 트레이딩에 대하여 본질적인 질문을 던져보았다


by 세익 2023. 3. 18. 12:18



질문: 트레이딩에서 양쪽이 모두 이길 수 있는 가능성이 있는가?

         누구나 트레이딩에 참여할 때는 이기는 것을 상정하고 참여하는데 과연 수익을 얻을 수 있을까를 알고 싶어서 던져 본 질문이다.


답변은 상당히 긍정적이고, 낙관적이다. 윈-윈 상황이 자주 발생한다면서.

더 이상 사용하지 않는 자전거를 가지고 있는데, 사용하지 않는 스케이트보드를 가진 친구와 서로 거래할 경우 양자는 모두 이익을 본다는 사례 제시와 함께.


이와 유사하게 금융시장에서도 한 사람은 주식을 해당 가격에 팔고 수익을 취하는 반면에, 이전에 낮은 가격에 판 사람도 당시에 자기에게 유리하다고 판단하고 의사결정했기 때문에 "win"(?)의 상황이라는 것이다.


그래서 추가적인 질문을 던져보았다.

"일종의 win-win 게임이라는 주식 트레이딩에서 왜 대부분의 투자자가 돈을 잃는가?"


Chat gpt로부터 그럴싸한 교과서적인 답변이 돌아왔다.

  - 지식과 경험의 부족

  - 감정

  - 과신

  - 높은 거래비용(수수료, 세금 등)

  - 시장 변동성


말미에는 성공적인 트레이더의 요건으로 다음과 같은 조언을 곁들였다.

  - 마켓에 대한 확고한 이해

  - 잘 훈련되고, 규율된 방식으로의 접근

  - 실수로부터 배우는 마음자세




Is there any possibility that both parties win in trading?


Yes, it is possible for both parties to win in a trade, which is why trading is often viewed as a win-win situation. When two parties engage in a trade, it is typically because each party values what the other party has more than what they are giving up.


For example, if you have a bicycle that you no longer use and your friend has a skateboard that they no longer use, you might trade your bicycle for their skateboard. In this scenario, both parties win because they each receive something that they value more than what they gave up.


Similarly, in financial markets, both parties can win in a trade if they are able to buy or sell an asset at a price that is favorable to them. For example, if you purchase a stock at a low price and sell it later at a higher price, you win because you have made a profit. However, the other party who sold you the stock at the lower price also wins because they were able to sell the stock for a price that they found favorable.


It's important to note that not all trades result in a win-win situation, and some trades may result in one party benefiting more than the other. It's important to conduct research and carefully evaluate potential trades to ensure that they are in your best interest.




<추가 질문>


Why most stock traders lose money even if it is a kind of win-win game?


Although trading can be viewed as a win-win game, it's important to note that the financial markets are complex and unpredictable, and there are many factors that can affect the value of stocks and other assets. Here are some reasons why many traders lose money:


Lack of knowledge and experience: Trading requires knowledge and experience to make informed decisions. Traders who lack the necessary knowledge and experience may make poor decisions that result in losses.


Emotions: Trading can be emotional, and traders who let their emotions guide their decisions may make poor choices. Fear and greed can lead to impulsive decisions that result in losses.


Overconfidence: Some traders may be overconfident in their abilities and take on too much risk. This can lead to losses if their trades do not perform as expected.


High transaction costs: Trading can be costly, with fees and commissions eating into profits. Traders who make frequent trades may be especially affected by high transaction costs.


Market volatility: The financial markets can be unpredictable, with sudden shifts in stock prices and other assets. Traders who are not prepared for volatility may experience losses.


It's important to note that not all traders lose money, and some are able to make significant profits. Successful traders often have a solid understanding of the markets, a disciplined approach, and a willingness to learn from their mistakes.



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