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English version - 전략실험 내용을 파파고로 번역하여 보았다


by 세익 2024. 6. 18. 08:22



Translation is quite understandable, as follows:




On Monday, day 197 of the strategic experiment, the system signal was 'up'.

The KOSPI futures closed lower, while the Nasdaq Composite showed a steady trend in early trading.

At 21:30 p.m., the U.S. Empire State Manufacturing Index was released, which was negative (-6.00), but significantly exceeded expectations (-12.50). As a result, the Nasdaq Futures Index felt a sense of adjustment.

Even after the opening of the U.S. main market at 22:30 p.m., the Nasdaq composite showed an adjustment trend, but the range was insignificant, and soon the index changed its direction upward and began to rebound sharply. Eventually, the Nasdaq Futures Index ended the day up 218.50pt (230pt in September) from the previous day.

Even if the number of U.S. rate cuts this year was very limited, the market was relieved that it silenced concerns about a recession and gave the impression that it was conducting a relief rally.

This weekend (Friday) the futures expiration date for June will return. If the daily trading volume in September overtakes the trading volume in June, the previous month will be liquidated based on the next day's market price and the next month will be transferred. Perhaps tomorrow (Tuesday) the monthly replacement will take place.

On the day of June, the high price was 2001.00, and the Nasdaq Futures Index exceeded 20,000 points, and the closing price of September was 20187.00, already supporting the 20,000-point level. It makes you realize that the Nasdaq Composite is in the realm of historical high prices.

It will be remembered that the movement of this June was particularly difficult for some time to trade easily. Although the cumulative net income peak (3429.25pt) was experienced according to the system forward analysis, it was threatened with 1000pt (to be precise, 1009.00) due to the decline in cumulative profits, and now the 3,000pt breakthrough is in front of us again. It remains to be seen whether the flow of September will be easier than this.

On Tuesday, day 198 of the strategic experiment, the system signal is "up-sustained".
What other moves will markets take ahead of Wednesday's U.S. 'Liberation Day' shutdown?


<국문 전문>


전략 실험 197일차 월요일, 시스템 신호는 '상방'이었다.
우리국장 코스피 선물은 하락 마감하였고, 나스닥 지수는 장 초반 강보합 흐름을 보였다.

 21:30분 미국 엠파이어스테이트 제조업지수가 발표되었는데, 수치가 마이너스(-6.00)이긴 하나 예상치(-12.50)를 크게 상회하였다. 이를 계기로 나스닥선물지수는 조정의 기운이 감지되었다.

 22:30분 미 본장 개장 이후에도 나스닥지수의 조정 흐름이 나타났으나, 그 폭은 미미하였고, 이내 지수는 위쪽으로 방향을 바꿔 급반등하기 시작하였다. 결국 나스닥 선물지수는 전일 대비 218.50pt(9월물은 230pt) 상승하며 장을 마감하였다.

시장은 금년 미국 금리인하 횟수가 매우 제한적일지라도 경기침체 우려를 잠재운 것에 안도하며 안도랠리를 펼치고 있는 듯한 인상을 주는 흐름이었다.

 이번 주말(금요일)에는 6월물 선물만기가 돌아온다. 9월물 일일 거래량이 6월물 거래량을 추월하면 익일 시가 기준으로 근월물을 청산하고 차월물에 진입함으로써 월물을 갈아타게 된다. 아마도 내일(화요일) 월물 교체가 이루어질 듯하다.

6월물 당일고가가 2001.00으로 나스닥 선물지수가 2만포인트를 상향돌파하였으며, 9월물은 당일종가가 20187.00으로 이미 2만선을 지지한 상황이다. 어느새 나스닥 지수가 역사적 신고가의 영역에 들어서 있음을 실감케 한다.

 언제인들 트레이딩이 쉬우랴마는 유난히 이번 6월물은 움직임이 특히 난해했던 걸로 기억될 듯하다. 시스템 전진분석에 따른 누적순수익 최고치(3429.25pt)를 경험하였으나, 누적수익이 고꾸라져 1000pt(정확히는 1009.00)를 위협받기도 하였으며, 이젠 다시 3000pt 재돌파를 눈 앞에 두게 되었다. 과연 9월물은 흐름이 이보다 좀 더 수월할지 지켜볼 일이다.

 전략 실험 198일차 화요일, 시스템 신호는 "상방 지속"이다.
수요일 미국 '노예해방기념일' 휴장을 앞두고, 시장은 또 어떤 움직임을 보일까?


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